Helpful Websites for School Nurses

Alabama State Department of Education

To find ALL state regulated forms:

Can be used to find IHP(s), PPA forms (OTC, and prescribed, Tracheostomy PPA, Gastrostomy PPA), Inventory forms (Controlled substance inventory forms), Self- Administration, Unusual Occurrence, MAR forms, etc. and more

School Menu

Click on Alabama, then your school system, and then school. This site should be updated during the school year to assist with carb counting for students with diabetes

Tube Feeding Assistance

Kids Health

Educational material on illnesses made available in both English and Spanish. Helpful handouts for students and their parents.


Call Brad Skiff  for AEDs (205) 440-1000 or Visit the TRIO company web site for on or off site CPR classes.

Fast Facts for the School Nurse

School Nursing in a Nutshell (ebook)

School Health

Supply vendor including Nickie Special Needs Training Manikin